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Dr. of Thinkology

How the Monster was Born!!!

After getting a degree in Medical Technology from the University of Washington I entered the world of medical research, working for a world class platelet guru – quite the pioneer in her field.
I specialized in test development and quickly worked my way into the expanding field of flow cytometry. I had entered the world of white lab coats and the blinking and beeping research machines…

but… I had created a Monster!!!

At the Blood Center that I worked I met Cris Faget, another Medical Technologist.
We embarked on a journey to create what would eventually become the band known as “Don’t Ask”.

Another bandmate, our drummer Doug Aslin (the spouse of a nurse who worked in our lab) entered the fold.

Then… the Monster!!!

Adding drums (Doug Aslin) and electric lead guitar (Cris Faget) to my songwriting changed the way I was writing. Instead of just a solo singer/songwriter I had morphed into an entirely new songman. As the songs bubbled and grew it was apparent that they had once again taken hold of me, body and soul.

By 2018 I could no longer contain the beast was compelling me to leave the research lab and on to ever more recording and music production projects.

I had been consumed by the Monster!!!

(click the red link above.)


To hear some of the songs I wrote and recorded with “don’t ask” check out samples in the player below:


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