The Concert From Hell

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(okay-this isn’t an actual photo at the scene but is does add some dramatic effect)

The concert from hell:

OK, so first I have to say that I’m not gonna name any specific names are places because I don’t wanna embarrass those involved.
So let me ask you a question…

Have you ever had things go so wrong with something you planned that you wondered how on earth could this be possible?

Well, check out the story…
Our band “Don’t Ask” was going to play an outdoor concert at the festival in a small town north of Seattle. The gig was going to be a “picnic on the lawn” and they were gonna invite the whole town. The bass player lived in this town and he said to me “just relax and stay at my house, have a few beers, and the rest of us will set up the stage and let you know when everything is ready for you to drive over and do the show.
Sounded good to me! So… why not?
So there I was- just chilling out having a beer waiting for the call, waiting… , waiting… , waiting…
“Oh”…I thought, “Somethings got to be wrong this is taking way too long.”
I called the drummer who is also setting up the stage and I ask “… I wonder if there’s a problem it seems like it’s taking a long time“.
He says to me “oh my god this is horrible! Everything’s all messed up you better get over here!“
OK so, this is what happened…
The mayor of the town owned the outdoor stage that they were going to set up. The stage was in pieces inside of a large trailer and a friend of the mayor sent a friend of his to drive it over to the venue.
When the driver got there the gate was padlocked and nobody had the key for the park. Also, nobody had the key for the locked gate. When they opened up the trailer my band-mates found there was a golf cart without an ignition key in the way of the stage sections. They had to send for the key from the mayor to take out the golf cart so that they could remove the sections but the mayor didn’t know who had the key for the gate. After someone came by with the golf cart key the band pulled it out and tried to hoist the sections of stage over the fence so that they could set up the stage. but they were way too heavy. Also there was a golf cart without an ignition key in the way of the stage sections. They had to send for the key from the mayor to take out the golf cart so that they could remove the sections but the mayor didn’t know who had the key for the gate. They tried to host the pieces over the fence (but they were way too heavy).
Eventually they found out who had the key for the padlock so they were able to open the gate to the park. The person driving the truck and trailer then tried to back up through the gate, however, they made a miscalculation and scraped off the entire side of the trailer trying to back it in. .
This was the point where I arrived.
After shaking my head in amazement, we did get the stage set up we also managed to get all our gear on stage, we did play that concert on the lawn so all was well that ended well.
All except for the fact that our lead guitarist was so flustered he could barely make it through the first few songs. He did eventually settle down.
However, I will never forget what a mess that gig was to set up.

Oh Well, at least I got to have a beer.
Let me ask…
Has anything this crazy ever happened to you?

Let me know.

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