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I grew up when the Beatles hit America and the pop music world just exploded. I had three brothers and a sister who all listened to pop music and the radio all the time, so I was pretty much immersed in it. My dad, was also a popular music lover and I remember when I was really little he would always be whistling some sort of tune or singing some sort of melody.

in the 80s the Pop music world expanded further and rock and folk and country all merged into this big emulsion of exciting and mixed-up sound.

I do remember a few albums though, that I played over and over and over again on the phonograph until they basically turned into slinky‘s.

The early Elton John albums- like “Madman Across the Water” and “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”.

the Beatles-  “White album” and “Sergeant Pepper’s”.

Jethro Tull’s-  “Aqualung” and “Thick as a Brick”

“Tommy” by The Who.

Paul Simon’s “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”

I guess what sticks out for me is I was always very much interested in the music’s melody and a diverse catalog of melodic sound.

In my writing-  I really look for music that excites, sounds that interest me personally, and melodies that stick in my mind.

I’m always looking for the melody

always -always.

The melody, for me, inspires the lyrics, and the combination creates the song.


click on “the phonograph” link to hear about this time in music.



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