Pets Attack my Favorite Guitar!

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Pretty cute……………RIGHT?



House pets a tale of woe…


A couple of years ago I had my favorite Martin HD 28 up in the living room on a floor stand so that I could easily access it when the mood struck to write a song.

Well my cat Loki was feeling rather mischievous and so he ran behind it one afternoon to hide from the dog who was chasing him.

Well the dog chased right after him right behind the floor stand -knocking the guitar with a bang to the floor and flipping it over -hitting the head of the guitar on the hardwood floors.

I will never forget the sound of the guitar hitting the floor KA- THWAAANG!!!!

The entire head of the guitar snapped off at the neck and was now just hanging with six strings attached.

Holy crap!

I could not believe my eyes or my ears I had had that guitar for decades. the Martin had a really sweet sound it even had been borrowed by other Songwriters to take to recording studios.

I was resignedly the fact that I would probably have to buy a new guitar to replace it.

Well… None of the guitars I tried sounded even close- even the same model guitar by the same manufacturer didn’t sound nearly as sweet. So… I took it to a guitar repair shop in Seattle.

Well I couldn’t believe it. the guy I brought it to was anxious to repair it because it was kind of his specialty to reglue the heads of broken guitars.

I was skeptical but left it with him hoping for the best and I’ll be damned if when I got it back (even though I could see a visible crack where he had glued it) it sounded just as sweet as ever.

A Happy Ending

I almost forgave my dog and cat.



Needless to say now I have a wall bracket For hanging my guitar up and out of the reach of my pets!


guitar bix broke

This poor old guitar was broken by my flat-coated retriever…


Loki chasing a sunbeam



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