New CD on the way!

Comments: 3

My newest “double” length cd is being shipped from the manufacturer.

Super excited about this project!

Take a listen to some “sample” tracks below…

C. 2020 Todd Christoffel

Cris Faget guitar leads featured on many of the songs.

click here to see the cd jacket and insert…

More details when the cds arrive.

A limited quantity of 100 discs have been ordered for delivery soon.




  • paul says:

    I listened to these sample tracks and really liked the songs! I look forward to the CDs arrival, I’d love for you to send me a copy.
    Please let me know when it arrives!

    • Thanks Paul!
      I really appreciate the comment!
      I’ll let you know when it arrives, look for an email in your inbox announcing its arrival and a special deal for subscribers.
      Thanks for being a fan and supporting an independent artist! ?


  • paul says:

    please send me a copy!

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