
Todd Christoffel

Born in Chicago, Todd got his first taste of songwriting while making up parodies of church hymns which (unbeknownst to the parishioners) he belted out during Catholic Mass.

As a youngster, he remembers his grandfather weeping while he sang “Silent Night”(Was he really bad or really good?).

Todd was inspired by his brother, Ron, to take up the guitar and sing in order to “get girls”.

When Todd was in high-school he got the bug for performing by playing in college coffeehouses  and open mike nights such as the Earl of Old Town in Chicago.

Todd is a self taught songwriter and influenced by melodic singer/songwriters such as Paul Simon ,Mark Knopfler,  James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Elton John and the like.

Todd has lived in Seattle, Washington for over 30 years, has an amazing lack of stage fright, and has written songs for as long as he can remember.

Todd still fronts and writes songs for the Band “Don’t Ask” which performs in the Seattle area. Todd is also one of the founding members of “Songwriters in Seattle” and serves on its Board of Directors.


Todd, a Medical Technologist, left his job in medical research in 2018 in order to record and pursue his musical interests full time.

His music can best be described as a melodic mix of folk/rock, pop, and emotive singer/songwriter-  Playful, Thoughtful, and Hopeful. He writes music to make a home in other people’s hearts.


What people are saying:

” …(Christoffel) boasts the shiny optimism of Loggins and Messina, but with a modern pop propulsion…”

“…employs a Jim Croce-like fragility…”

“…a conversational singing approach from Christoffel that recalls Warren Zevon. ”

Nick DeRiso (reviewer)

“Christoffel is blessed with an extremely emotive singing voice. It’s not big and booming, nor is it high and sweet. But whenever he sings these songs, the listener feels something good. If comedians are able to hit folks’ funny bones with their jokes, why can’t musicians also strike heart bones? If this analogy is a medical plausibility, Christoffel has the skill it takes to touch the heart bone on a consistent basis. ”
“…Christoffel sounds a lot like Dash Crofts (of Seals and Crofts) The tune’s melody just reaches out and commandeers your emotions and will not let go.”

Dan Macintosh (reviewer)

“…well crafted folk-pop that recalls the best of Paul Simon, James Taylor, Bruce Cockburn and Dan Fogelberg…) “Instrumentation and arrangements are kept to a tasteful minimum in order for the tunes, vocal melody and harmonies to resonate. As old school sentiments dictate, sparkling lead guitar fills enliven proceedings and take the already solid songs a notch higher. ”
“…upbeat material that will have listeners toe tapping and singing along, even if not completely dancing. ”
“Everything is in its rightful place, as it should be with the result being a satisfying contribution to the folk-pop canon. ”

Kevin Mathews (reviewer)